Liz Drury Voiceovers Redundancy: Noun. The state of being not, or no longer needed or useful. One year ago this week I was made redundant. At the time it seemed to come totally out of the blue, but looking back I can see that there were signs that things were about to change. I was being given less to do, and what I was being given had nothing to do with my skills set. Being made redundant is never a nice process – you’re left wondering what’s wrong with you and asking yourself why your employer doesn’t want you any more, but for me, those feelings were far surpassed by a feeling of freedom! I had worked at Franklin college for over 11 years (apart from a couple of years in America with my husband’s job) but since starting my voiceover business it had always been in the back of my mind to leave and pursue my passion full time. There was never a good time to leave though. I only worked 15 hours a week at the college, so I still had time to work part-time as a voice...